Hi everyone, my name is Rich Leopold, SR
We started the Disney Club at The Villages – name is The Goofy Villagers. (TGV)
As of 2023 we have 437 members that have sent me a request to join our club. I would like to hold the group to 500. The dues are $15 per person. This will be used for a startup cost and fees for visitors that we will have as speakers from Disney. We will need to buy coffee and such for the meetings, paper products, office supplies etc.
Here are a few ideas I have for our club:
- Bus trips to Disney World and Disney Water Parks…
- Get Disney speakers to discuss inside information.
- Have a Disney representative come and talk with us
- Goofy Christmas Party
- Golf outings
- Group Cruises
- Web site to advertise our club member’s interests, post our Disney pictures, list our activities, a calendar of events.
- AND just meet new people and have fun.
I have been a Disney fan for as long as I can remember… One of my first Disney memories was watching on my first color TV at my cousin’s house in Massachusetts, in the early 60s. Tinkerbell flew out, moved her magic wand and out came the fireworks.
Since then, I have helped over a 1,000 of my friends, family and many, many others – to the great World of Disney and Disney Cruises.
~ Rich